Wednesday, May 15, 2013

.the daimeter of mercury isabout
 4,879.the length of one day on mercury 58 day 15 hours 30 minutes in earth days
.one year on mercury is 88 earth days because it is closer to the sun
.the average distance from mercury to the sun is about 58 million km. away
.even though mercury has no moons it is still considered a planet
.the surface of mercury is made of rocks and unbreakable  or melt able ice
.mercury has no atmosphere due to it being so close to the sun
. mercury was named after a roman god messenger as u you could see in the image above
.no one real knows the date this planet was discovered but it was first captured in a picture in 3/29/1974
.100 lbs on mercury would weight 37.8
.mercury temperatures could reach up to-300 F to 800 F
.the mass of mercury is about 328.5 E21 kg
.mercury has no rings

.100 lbs on mercury would weight 37.8 pounds
.one mission done to mercury was done by a satellite named messenger bearly came back on
 march 18 2013 on its year long trip it captured many pictures of the planet while orbiting the yellow but originally the first ever mission done to mercury was on 1975 by a satellite named mariner it captured one of the first pictures of mercury surface. These missions have helped us better understand this planet 
other plans to send satellite to mercury are going to be in this year 2013

.one interesting fact about mercury is that it is the closest planet to the sun
.mercury also has ice it is unbreakable  or melt able ice 
.mercury is the smallest planet it is only 50% bigger than the moon 
.mercury has the darkest surface than any planet in the solar system
.also things on earth will be lighter on mercury 
.mercury moves about 30 miles per second
.mercury is also the most dense planet in the solar system except for planet earth
.mercury interior core is made of a large iron core 
.mercury is the smallest plane in our solar system
.mercury has very low surface gravity 
.mercury is made up of 95% carbon dioxide
.the gravity one mercury is only twice the size than the earths moon 
.mercury has one of the hots temperatures than any planet in our solar system
.mercury also mercury orbits the sun faster than any planet because it is the closets to the sun
.on day on mercury is 2/3 of one of it's years